Mein Kampf is written by Adolf Hitler himself, and was first published in two volumes during 1925 and 1926. Its sold far over 10 million copies and is so popular that it has been translated into various different languages, it should be considered half auto-biography, half Hitler grabbing a pen and jotting down his ideas for Germany in the future. Many believe that Mein Kampf is an 'evil' book, as it is written by one of the most notorious men in known history, yet after reading only one chapter it becomes apparent that Hitler may have some fair points, yet how he uses these points is incredibly wrong (e.g. using well orchestrated propaganda to lure Jews into concentration camps). Chapter 6 in particular is interesting, as Hitler talks about propaganda it suggests to the reader that although he is widely known as an extremely 'bad' person, he does know what works and what doesn't with regards to war propaganda.